Sunday, October 29, 2006

"NORTON" asked Hulk a question about movies and Hulk is going to answer it.

"Norton" asked:
Hulk, I have just watched a DVD called "THE ULTIMATE AVENGERS" and I was just wondering how much money you made from it, since you have a big role in the movie?
Hulk is sorry you watched that movie because it is full of big stupid lies about Hulk and how mean he is! The producers of that movie said that Hulk is a "public figure" and can be used in a movie even if he doesn't want to be in a movie just like President Monkey Man was used in that fat man's movie that was called FAHRENHEIT 9/11.

Hulk is not happy about that, but there is nothing Hulk can do about it.

Hulk has to go back to cleaning the house now because Ant-Man is coming over to play computer game hockey later. HULK WILL SMASH HIS PUNY HARTFORD WHALERS.